Who we are
Brief History of VOCI
Voice of Children International (VOCI) was first conceived in 1996 by Rev. Fr. Chidi
Ezennia Osondu. It was during the period of his seminary formation that the seed of
setting up an organisation for the less privileged was sown in his heart, which later
came into existence with the name, Voice of Children International. It became
operational in 2002 but its office in Nigeria started functioning in 2005 after Fr.
Chidi’s Priestly ordination. After the organisation became fully operational, Fr. Chidi
sought the assistance of the Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy (DMMM)
Congregation under the leadership of Mother Casmir Uzoukwu to assign Rev. Sisters
from the Congregation to help to oversee the activities of the organisation and report
back to the Board. VOCI has an office located at 66A Chime Avenue, New Haven,
Enugu, with the Board of Directors running the organisation. VOCI is a non-profit,
non-denominational children, youths, and women dedicated organisation founded on
service and love and rooted in the faith of Christian charity and social work.
VOCI is meant to serve the medical, educational, physical, social, and spiritual needs
of the poor, less privileged, handicapped, abused children/youth, and women in
Nigeria-Africa. It was formed in a response to the Mandate of Christ:
“Give them something to eat” (Mathew 14:16).
VOCI understands this mandate to include serving the needs of many neglected
children/youth and women especially the widow, with love and dedication beyond